We went to our friend Lisa and her son Michael's home today and played with playdough and our friends! I'm still working on counting down from 5 to help Sammy control his temper. He has quite a big one. Imagine that - he comes from a long line of hot-headed Italians! Today was his 2nd day in a row to skip a nap. I'm thinking he might be trying to completely eliminate his naps. I really don't like that idea, because lord knows I need my nap somedays, but I suppose it's bound to happen some day.
The best part about Sammy skipping naps? This morning he woke up at 9 am. Do you know how amazing that is? Normally at 6:30 am he's pulling open the blinds and announcing triumphantly, "It's a sunny day, Mommy!" One of these days, when he is a teenager and trying to sleep until noon, I'm going to rip open his blinds, jump on his bed, and scream about what a sunny day it is!
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