Mike generously allowed me to go get a pedicure. I'm not going to say what I had to bribe him with, but he let me go. Which is a good thing - for him.
I went to Sky Nails, which has an awesome Deluxe Pedicure for $35. I love it - scrub, mask, paraffin . . . it's definitely worth the money. I brought my iPod, which was unfortunately dead because I left it on when I left the Y the other day, and a great book - The Last Lecture, by Randy Pausch. I settled for reading my book, which by the way is beautiful and I highly recommend it. I very much enjoyed the author's style, and the timeless lessons which he imparted, not only to his children but to everyone.
So there I am, deep in relaxation . . . nice scrub going on for those nasty scales on my heels . . . deep in life lessons with Randy Pausch . . . when in walks Loudmouth on her cell phone. She settles into a pedicure chair and proceeds to call practically everyone she knows and have deep, meaningful conversations with them about NOTHING. Seriously? I'm paying $35 not only to take care of my disgusting feet, but also to relax, and you're on your cell phone? I'm sorry to have to say this, but TURN OFF YOUR PHONE!
For goodness sake - if you want to talk on your phone, go sit in your car. Not everyone in the nail salon needs to hear about your computer problems. You RUINED my experience. You ruined everyone else's experience. The only person's experience you didn't ruin was your own. Or maybe you did. What happens inside when you turn off the "noise" is absolutely beautiful - you should turn it off sometime . . .
By the way, bless your heart, cell phone nail salon woman - I'm praying for you.
Is she the equivelant of "Drama Mama" at preschool registration? Sorry that happened to you...