One of the first things we saw on the tour was the famed recovery case. This case holds guns, knives, drugs, and other various weapons from the cases solved by the famous Katy Police Department. Sammy was especially impressed by the homemade brass knuckles. On a side note, some of us moms had quite a giggle at the large gallon size bag of marijuana housed in the recovery case. I believe one mom even cracked a joke . . . "A large bag of pot went missing from the Katy PD following a tour from a local Katy Moms Group." Who wants to come to THAT playdate?
We checked out pictures of the drug dogs, saw a police motorcycle and heard the siren up close, and even were treated to our very own plastic Junior Police Officer badges, pencils and coloring books. Sammy loves his badge - when we went to bed that night, he had a fit and demanded to be able to go to sleep wearing his badge. I think he might have a future career in mind . . .
After touring the department, we headed over to the local McDonald's for chicken nuggets and the playland. While we were eating, I looked up just in time to notice my child had removed his shirt from his body, and was starting to yell "I'm naked . . . I'm naked on a skateboard!" Again, thanks Mike for allowing Sammy to watch the Simpsons movie. I love having to explain that one to my girlfriends. I especially love my girlfriends that laugh when Sammy takes his clothes off - it really helps with the reinforcement of proper areas to disrobe! You know who you are . . .
Once Sammy was properly dressed again, he and his friends proceeded to play in the playland area. Since Sophia is now eating pretty much any food anyone else eats, I find myself carrying around a serrated butter knife, which is helpful in cutting foods into bite-sized pieces for her. I keep it in our lunch bag, and while we were playing, Sammy's best friend Grayson came over to me and told me that Sammy was playing with a knife. Sure enough, I walked over and he was using the serrated butter knife to cut up cheese. You'd think he'd have learned about using knives from the police station, but nope - he still likes to experiment!
I told Grayson what a good job he did in letting me know that Sammy was using the knife. I maybe even told him to let me know anytime that Sammy had a knife or scissors, and that I would give him candy. Grayson's mommy said Grayson would probably start fibbing about Sammy using sharp objects, but somehow, I don't think so - I think Grayson knows when to let me know about Sammy!
On the whole, quite a day . . . large bags of pot, public nakedness, and knife play. It just doesn't get any better!
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