Sunday, August 29, 2010

Prayers Can Be Funny, Too!

We've been working on praying with Sammy, lately.  At dinner (and pretty much every meal), we will all join hands (even Sophia, which can be quite comical), and pray the traditional "God is Great" prayer.  Afterwards, Mike or myself will then pray over our food as well as any other requests, and then we will eat dinner. 

The other day, Sammy announced that he would like to do the second prayer.  I felt excited, as kid's prayers can be so cute!  I had no idea what he was about to spout forth . . . He started by announcing, "This is going to be a really great prayer!"  Ummm, I don't know about you, but anything prefaced by that statement has got to be good, so here is what we got.

Dear God . . . Please help keep Sissy safe.  Don't let her go in the road, or fall down the stairs.  Don't let her climb out of her bed, or put jelly beans in her nose.  Please keep us all safe, and please don't let our TV get broken.  Amen.

Seriously?  That is the most hysterical prayer I have ever heard.  Granted, I appreciate the sentiments for Sophia.  Those four scenarios have all been real issues we have discussed in our household lately.  As for the television commentary, one of our friends have been having discipline issues in their house, and therefore the parents announced to the children that their television was "broken."  Their TV has been "broken" for about 3 weeks now, and it would appear that Sammy and his friend Orry have been discussing the broken TV during their time together in the ChildWatch at the Katy YMCA. 

So, it would appear that beggars cannot be choosers.  Would I wish that this monumentous prayer have encompassed world peace and food for the hungry?  Yes, but honestly, I'll take Keep Sissy Safe and don't let our TV get broken any day, as the honesty and sincerity behind it was more beautiful than words.  I'm sure Jesus appreciated it as well!


Saturday, August 21, 2010

Which Way Did She Go?

Which way did I go?  Where have I been?  Why haven't I been blogging?  Oh yes, I've been running!  I started my training for my half marathon on July 17th.  Here it is, almost September, and I'm excited to say that it is going well.  Perhaps better than well - it's going awesome!

Every day, I feel stronger.  Every mile I run, I get more confidence, and I want to run more.  We are still working on building our base, and right now, the max distance I've run is 3.5 miles.  I'm a slow runner, more of a jogger, with an average pace of about 11 minutes per mile.  But I'm still proud of myself.  When I started, there was no way I would have been able to continuously run for even 2 miles.  But here I am!

Mike and the kids have been extremely supportive, and even Kona has gotten in on the game.  Kona is my running partner during the weekdays.  I think he really enjoys it, even if his poor tongue is lapping the ground by the end of our run!

I am sad to report that I did not win the lottery, as in the Chevron Houston Marathon lottery.  However, I will be running my first half marathon on January 16th in Sugar Land, Texas in the USAFit marathon.  I am excited, and like I said, I am running my "first" half marathon.  Which generally indicates that there will be more.  Perhaps next year I will get lucky and win the CHM lottery!

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