Sunday, November 14, 2010

HMSA 25K Relay

I ran the third leg of the HMSA 25K Fleet Feet Relay this past weekend!  Our first runner, Elle, went on to run all three legs and complete the entire 25K.  Our second runner, Chuck, ran the second leg and the third leg.  I was the loser that only ran one leg!  No matter, we all had a great time!

Absolutely freezing beforehand!  I can't remember the temperature, but the wind was whipping around and it was COLD!

My Dad, and my main man, Sammy!

My parents holding the cold one!  Mike took the picture, while he was warming up Sophia!
Waiting on my team to get moving!  Notice the two bananas in my hands for my teammates!  Sammy kept trying to run onto the course!  Notice how everyone else is bundled up, but I'm in shorts and a tech shirt . . . nice!

Coming in at the end!  So proud of my teammates - Elle for running 15.5, and Chuck running 10.4, and me, at 5.2 miles!

Sammy helping Mama stretch at the end!

There were two things that were absolutely hilarious about this race . . . number one - my teammates were getting tired during the last leg (gee, I have no idea why!), and since I had fresh legs, I decided to entertain them!  I sang along with my iPod at the top of my lungs, and also yelled over bridges at people to get them to cheer for us.  Can we say that I am the ultimate running partner??

Second, our team name . . . the picture speaks more than words!

And that's what we were . . . Six Cheeks to the Wind!


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