Thursday, September 16, 2010

Poo Poo??

Allow me to make fun of myself for a bit . . . as you know, I am now a "distance runner."  I used to say I was "training for a half marathon," but my big brother and my sister-in-law have made fun of me mentioned that I talk about training a LOT, so I've now begun to refer to myself as a distance runner.  I'm sure that will be fodder for joking in a few weeks!

Regardless, I run on my own three times a week as part of my "distance running."  And let's be honest, running is a sweaty sport.  Especially in a suburb of Houston, Texas.  This evening, when I came home from my run, I was attempting to stretch in our living room.  Attempting is the operative word there, as my children were also attempting to climb all over me.  Sophia, in particular, was trying to sit on my lap.  Poor thing - she absorbed some of my sweat, and a few seconds later, Mike was asking her, "Baby girl, do you seriously have BO already?"  I quickly informed him it was mine, by proxy. 

Before you ask, yes I do use deoderant.  But regardless, you still get that 'sweaty' smell.  In the meantime, Sammy is climbing all over me and poking me, and I'm trying to get him to stop, to no avail.  Mike says, "Hey Sammy, go smell Mommy!"  Sammy walks over, takes a whiff, and announces, "Ewwwww, Mommy smells like poopoo!" 

In which case, I am in a squatting position, stretching my calves, and my 16 month old daughter walks directly behind me and pulls back my shorts, announcing "Poo Poo!" at the top of her lungs!  Mind you, when we ask Sophia if she has poo poo, we do the same, pulling back her diaper to check.  It's a bit humbling when you are 29 years old, though . . .


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