Saturday, September 25, 2010

Veggie Tales!

This evening, we took the kids to see Veggie Tales in concert at Sugar Creek Baptist Church!  It was an awesome show, and afterwards, Sammy even remarked that is was "the funnest concert ever!"  I love his grammar.  We'll have to work on that in the coming years!

This was her adopted pose throughout most of the show!

Daddy was proud of his baby girl!

Sammy and I had a great time singing along - shocking that I know all the words!

Junior, Bob and Larry shake their groove thing!

My princess and I!

Final curtain call!

I expected that Sophia would merely endure the spectacle, but shockingly she had an awesome time!  She was absolutely mesmerized by the dancing veggies on the stage, and at one point even began to dance and clap her hands! 

My only complaint - the pouring rain when we left the concert - Mike ran to the car with Sophia, and I transferred Sammy to ride on my back like a monkey and jogged to the car with him.  Good thing I'm in running shape!


Five Miles

This morning, Napolean (aka me) met her Waterloo.  And I defeated it.  Five miles sounds like a lot.  And for a non-runner who's only forthwith gone four miles, it is a lot.

I tried to do better to prepare myself for five than I did for four.  I went to bed early the night before, I prayed, I even posted on Facebook that I could do all things through Christ who strengthens me.  But the morning of, all my preparation went awry.

Number one, I woke up late.  Extremely late.  I awoke at 6:50 am, when Mike asked me if I was planning on running that day.  You know that feeling, that you're naked in the middle of your last final for college?  I had that feeling, except I was in my own bed, reeling at the fact that I was still at home, instead of standing at Terry Hershey Park ready to get running with my group. 

I jumped up, dressed as quickly as I could, and then set about for issue number two.  I was unable to find my hydration belt.  Finally, I woke Mike up and tearfully asked him to help me.  For some reason, he found it in our hall closet, hanging on a hook with my large collection of diaper bags.  Don't ask me why it was there - I obviously put it there thinking that would be a good place, but for the life of me I can't remember why.  I left the house in tears, crying that I couldn't run 5 miles on my own, and what was I thinking.

I prayed in the car during the drive to Terry Hershey Park.  It's about ten miles from our house, so God and I had a long conversation.  A conversation in which I realized that despite my fears, I would not be alone.  I parked, found a coach from another color group, discerned a five mile route from him, and then set out on my own.

I was about twenty minutes late, and I completely missed passing my continuous running group on their way in, but I did pass many more of my Katy Fit friends.  I'm so glad I went out on my own - had I not, I would have been greatly disappointed, and I never would have experienced the personal satisfaction I had that, running group or not, I could do this. 

Five miles is a long time - about 58 minutes at my pace, to be exact.  That included stopping to refill my water bottles twice.  I think I might need to add two extra clips onto my hydration belt for the coming mileage!  And during that time, I learned that when you think you can't go any father, you can.  Not because the person next to you is depending on you to (because this morning, there was no person next to me), but because YOU are depending on yourself to. 

To be quite honest, five miles felt about the same to me as four miles did two weeks ago.  So I have high hopes for this next weekend, when I will attempt six miles.  I think five miles is the 'unconquerable peak' so-to-speak.  It feels like any mileage after five will be a cake-walk.  I certainly hope so - since the mileage will only climb farther from here!


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Chalk It!

This afternoon, we gathered up our sidewalk chalk and went to the park with several of our playgroup friends.  Can I just say that all of the little girls in our playgroup (including my own daughter) are absolutely adorable?  They were all born within 6 months of each other, and I cannot wait to see them together in a year or so . . . although they are absolutely adorable even at this age!

Sara, Sammy and Mackenzie look on as Sophia and Molly talk about their pictures!

Sophia and Molly

I like your shirt!

Sydney gets in on the drawing as well!

Aren't they adorable?  You should see them in person!


Saturday, September 18, 2010

Petticoat Princess

Sophia is a petticoat princess!  Only 17 months in age, she is already the proud owner of 3 petticoats, and she wears them like royalty . . .

What can I say . . . she takes after her Mama!


Thursday, September 16, 2010

Poo Poo??

Allow me to make fun of myself for a bit . . . as you know, I am now a "distance runner."  I used to say I was "training for a half marathon," but my big brother and my sister-in-law have made fun of me mentioned that I talk about training a LOT, so I've now begun to refer to myself as a distance runner.  I'm sure that will be fodder for joking in a few weeks!

Regardless, I run on my own three times a week as part of my "distance running."  And let's be honest, running is a sweaty sport.  Especially in a suburb of Houston, Texas.  This evening, when I came home from my run, I was attempting to stretch in our living room.  Attempting is the operative word there, as my children were also attempting to climb all over me.  Sophia, in particular, was trying to sit on my lap.  Poor thing - she absorbed some of my sweat, and a few seconds later, Mike was asking her, "Baby girl, do you seriously have BO already?"  I quickly informed him it was mine, by proxy. 

Before you ask, yes I do use deoderant.  But regardless, you still get that 'sweaty' smell.  In the meantime, Sammy is climbing all over me and poking me, and I'm trying to get him to stop, to no avail.  Mike says, "Hey Sammy, go smell Mommy!"  Sammy walks over, takes a whiff, and announces, "Ewwwww, Mommy smells like poopoo!" 

In which case, I am in a squatting position, stretching my calves, and my 16 month old daughter walks directly behind me and pulls back my shorts, announcing "Poo Poo!" at the top of her lungs!  Mind you, when we ask Sophia if she has poo poo, we do the same, pulling back her diaper to check.  It's a bit humbling when you are 29 years old, though . . .


Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Last week, Sammy joined the Awanas program at First Baptist Church in Katy.  This is not our home church, but our home church stopped offerng the Awanas program this year, and I really wanted Sammy to be able to participate, so while we were driving home from my Bible study at Current, I happened to see a sign advertising FBC's Awanas program, and the rest is history!

Sammy joined a week late, so I was anxious for him to catch up with all of his peers.  The Awanas program is AMAZING!  They use games, puppets, crafts, awards and other experiences to teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to children.  In addition, kids learn one Bible memory verse per week.  Sammy is in the Cubbies group, and he absolutely loves it!  I was nervous during his first week - I promised him I would stay the whole time, so I spent my evening peeking into rooms where the Awanas program was going on.  Sammy did awesome!  He was sitting, participating with his peers, and seemed to really enjoy it.  His first week, he received a Cubbies bag to hold all of his gear, and his Cubbies book. 

Most of his peers already earned their Cubbies vest during the prior year, when they were 3.  In order to earn your vest, you have to memorize 3 Bible verses as well as the Cubbies motto.  PLUS, the children learn one memory verse per week.  All in all, since Sammy was a week late, this meant he had to memorize 5 verses as well as the motto.  Can we just say that Mama was a wreck? 

Today was Sammy's second day at Awanas.  I was completely in shock, as to be honest I wasn't sure he'd be able to memorize ONE verse per week, much less the 5 we had up against us!

Can I just say how PROUD I am?  I know, everyone throw up now, proud Mama - but seriously, I am so excited for Sammy!  He memorized 5 verses, plus the Cubbies motto, in one week, and was able to earn his Cubbies vest and catch up with all his Cubbies friends!

I am so proud of my little Cubbie!  I was standing right outside the room when it was time for him to show his stuff . . . when he had finished and came running out to show me his Cubbies vest, I had tears in my eyes for Sammy.  Accomplishing something yourself is a great feat, but watching your children accomplish their goals is even sweeter! 


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

One Liners From Your Favorite Comedian!

Everyone loves a little dose of Sammy, so I thought I might share two of his one-liners from the past couple of days . . .

Sammy killed a spider in our entryway.  He told me he was going to do it, and I said, "Great!" because, after all, I hate bugs.  Then I hear this from him . . .

"Ewwww!!!!  The spider has cheese inside hisself.  He ate someone's cheese!" 

OMG, I hope it wasn't any of our cheese!

And then, the following day . . . we live off Avenue D, a major road in our hometown.  The city is currently in the process of completely repaving Avenue D.  I'm assuming they must have hit a sewer line while they were working the other day, as when we walked outside, Sammy announced . . .

"MOMMY!!  WHY did someone POOP in our yard?"

Never a dull moment around here!


Friday, September 10, 2010

This Leg

This leg runs 12 miles a week.
This leg kills Body Attack twice a week.
This leg kicks it out in BodyCombat.
This leg squats and lunges more than you want to know.
This leg is a killer on wheels.
This leg laughs in the face of exhaustion.
This laugh ignores all injuries (on a full dose of ibuprofen).

You should be afraid of this leg.  This leg is your worst nightmare. 

As for the left one . . .


Saturday, September 4, 2010

Marathoning Begins With the Mind . . .

Marathoning begins with the mind, not with the feet.

I wish that was my quote, but it's not.  It's one of the quotes I have learned in my short time thus far with KatyFit.  KatyFit is the marathon training group I am working with to prepare for my "about to turn 30 Bucket List."  And let me tell you what, it's a lot harder than it looks!

Six short weeks ago, I started on this journey to run 13.1 miles.  Our first run was what they term a "pace-finder," which essentially tells you your regular running pace, and places you in a training group with other runners similar to your pace.  Then you can train with others of your ability.  I'm in the Red pace group.  Yes, Red means slow.  Shocker, right?  Basically, my training pace is an 11 minute per mile or more leisurely.  But honestly, I don't really care what my pace is.  I just want to finish a half marathon!

They say when you join KatyFit (or any USAFit training program across the nation) that you will emerge after 27 weeks stronger, fit, happy, and mentally strong.  Stronger in your personal life, stronger in your exercise life, and stronger overall.  You know what?  I believe it.

My first week, we ran a 1.5 mile pacefinder.  It was the longest 15 minutes of my life.  I came in from that run panting like a dog, and honestly disappointed that I was placed in the Red group.  Here I am, 6 weeks later, more thankful than I've ever been in my life.

This morning, I ran 4 miles.  I ran 4 miles with the Red nation, my training group.  I'm in the continuous half group, which means we run continuously (no stopping or walking), and we are training for a half marathon.  If you had told me six weeks ago that I would run 4 miles without stopping, I would have laughed in your face.  But here I am.  I'm still running. 

Last night, I could not sleep at all.  I was tossing and turning, contemplating the fact that the farthest distance I'd ever run was 3.3 miles.  And yet, the following morning, I would be attempting 4 miles.  I finally fell asleep at about 2 am, and when the time came for me to awake at 6 am, I was worse for the wear.  I remember turning off my alarm, and announcing to my husband that I wasn't going, since I'd only gotten 4 hours of sleep.  He was silent for a second, then asked if I was sure, as he knew I'd be disappointed in myself.  I ignored him, but his words stewed inside of me.

Of course I'd be disappointed in myself - but I'd only gotten 4 hours of sleep.  Four hours, since I had been mentally torturing myself the night before.  Telling myself that I couldn't, that I'd never make it, and what was I thinking trying to run a half marathon.

Then I stopped.  I never thought I'd make it to two miles after that first week.  And yet, I was still running.  And I would keep running.

I am an athlete.  I deserve to be here with all of these elite athletes.

Another KatyFit quote.  One I repeated to myself over and over again as I lay in bed this morning.  I finally forced myself to get up and get dressed.  I told myself I was running 4 miles that day, whether I did it right then with my running group, or I did it in 4 hours (in the heat of the day) by myself.

I think that was the deciding factor.  It's a curious thing, training with a group.  You are more willing to complete distances that you would never attempt on your own.  When you're dying inside, ready to quit and desperate for rest, yet you're encouraging the running partner beside you, there's no way you'll quit.  Because not only would you be letting yourself down, but you would let your group down as well.  And that, my friends, is the power of not going it alone.

This morning, I ran 4 miles.  Continously, at a pace of around 11:17.  Could I have gone faster?  Yes.  However, could I have gone farther?  Absolutely.  And that is why I run.  Why I believe in the power of KatyFit, and why I will keep showing up for further and further distances as we get closer to January.

It didn't hit me until I got in the car and called my husband to let him know I was on my way home.  Then, the tears flowed forth.  I am an athlete, and I do deserve to be here.  There's no reason for me to stay awake the night before, contemplating the upcoming distance.  I can do this, and I will do this.  And I will cross that finish line in January. 

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