Tuesday, May 25, 2010

My Babies are Growing Up

My babies are growing up, and I'm not sure I'm ok with that yet.  Don't get me wrong, I want them to grow up, but at the same time, I want them to be my babies for just a little bit longer.  Yesterday, we celebrated Sammy's 4th birthday with many of our friends and family.  And at the same time, Sophia decided it would be a good day to start walking.

I know, she's 13 months now, and it's probably about time, right?  However, Sophia beginning to walk also brings about another change in our lives.  It's time for her to wean.  Yes, I've nursed my daughter until now.  And I am so proud of that accomplishment, and I'm so proud of what a sweet baby girl she is.  But weaning is tough. 

Not only physically - trust me, there's some pain associated with it for me, since it's an abrupt weaning, instead of a gradual one.  But also emotionally.  And I didn't expect that.  I always thought that when I was done nursing Sophia, I would be so glad.  Sophia is our last baby, and for the last five years, I've either been pregnant, nursing, weaning, or trying to get pregnant.  So I thought the day that I weaned Sophia would be a happy one.  And it is.  Partially.  It's also sad. 

Do I have empty womb syndrome?  Maybe.  Or maybe I'm just sad to acknowledge that the baby years of my life are now over.  I'm sure that could change, but given our current frame of mind, we really look forward to seeing our kids grow up and become young adults.  And they're not even in school yet!

Here's to Sophia - I'm so proud of you for walking, baby girl!  And here's to me - for making it 13 months providing the best nutrition to my sweet girl.  And here's to me as well, for being able to let go of the baby years, and move on to the toddler phase.  In the meantime, say a prayer for me - I'm feeling a bit sad, but I'm happy and hopeful for the future as well!


1 comment:

  1. So sweet! This is why I have to have a third one. I'm not ready yet, I don't feel "done" or that our family is "complete" just yet - and mine is only 3 months old!

    You never sent me more info about that Komen Race on facebook!


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