Look at my hair - it's blending in with the black furniture behind me . . .
I gave myself a month to get used to it. But seriously every time I looked in the mirror I scared the crap out of myself. I don't even want to picture what kind of nightmares I gave my children.
I even tried to purposely fade it. Every time I took a shower, I turned the water super hot, almost to the point of scalding myself, and washed my hair about 3 times with clarifying shampoo. It turned it from pitch black to midnight. I guess it's really not THAT bad, I just hate that it's only one color and has no dimension or different colored strands. Either way, I couldn't take it anymore.
I called around to every salon in Katy today, and finally found an opening at Cinco Ranch Salon for 6 pm. I had to have my brother come over and watch the kids for a few minutes until Mike was able to get home, and I was finally able to start feeling myself again. I had caramel highlights put in. They are super cute - albeit a bit expensive. Mike asked me if they were worth $140. I don't know, honey - but I don't look like I just crawled out of a coffin anymore, so I really don't care!
Voila' - my skin tone has improved overnight!
On my way home, I was going to stop at the Redbox and pick up a movie for us. I drove over the railroad tracks at Katyland Drive, and when I hit the other side, I heard this weird noise and the car suddenly became very hard to steer. I pulled over, and turns out my tire completely blew. I don't really know what caused it, but suffice it to say, I was none too happy about it.
I called my parents to send them to my house to watch the kids, and then I called Mike to come change the tire. I was trying to get everything ready for him, so that all he'd have to do when he got there was jack the car up and switch the tires, but I swear I think I failed Survival 101. I was able to locate the jack and the tire, but getting them out of the trunk of the car is a completely different story.
Try as I may, I couldn't pull the jack out of its spot. Apparently, you have to unscrew something and then pull it out. Like I'm supposed to know that. And as far as the tire was concerned, the screw holding it in was too tight! I tried to use the pliers to turn it, but that wasn't happening, either. Finally, I gave up, and proceeded to stand next to the car with my flashlight, the flat tire, and the trunk up.
Would you believe that only 2 people stopped to offer me help? I was on the side of the road for about 15 minutes waiting for Mike, and one person stopped about 2 minutes before he got there, and a second pulled up right when Mike did. I guess my hair didn't look THAT good . . .
Mike changed the tire, and while he did, I assisted by laughing. I cannot believe that I got a flat tire. Again, it's one of those moments where you can laugh or cry. I was laughing. But I do have to admit that while I was waiting for Mike I felt like crying. I'm so thankful that I have such a wonderful husband. I cannot even imagine what I would have done had I been a single mom, or living on my own in another state with no family nearby.
Although, Mike informed me that next time this happens, if he can't get to me in a quick amount of time, or if he's out of town, I'm supposed to call Katy PD. Apparently they will either come change my tire, or at least sit with me until Mike can get there or a tow truck can come.
After he was finished, I jokingly told Mike not to be mad, and then revealed that right after I realized I had a flat tire, I looked down and the gas light was on as well. He responded by telling me, "I guess you're going to have to stop at a gas station on the way home then." I stuck my lip out and said, "You're going to make me drive on the doughnut?" Seriously, Mike. I can't even drive the truck, and apparently I can't drive the car, either. Now you expect me to drive on the doughnut tire?
I suppose he hadn't considered that option. He started laughing, and said, "Yeah, you drive the truck home." I've never been so glad to drive my truck home. Bad parking abilities and all. At least it doesn't have a doughnut tire!

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