Saturday, February 27, 2010

Thanks for the Laughs

Tonight we went out to dinner at Red Lobster.  While we were there, we ended up running into some friends of ours, Chris and Holly!  We almost never see them, so it was nice to have an unexpected surprise.

I think Sammy enjoyed running into them as well.  They ended up being seated near us, which Sammy got a kick out of.  While we were eating, Mike gave Sammy a piece of king crab leg.  He was waving it around, pretending to scratch himself with it, and decided he wanted to show it to Chris.  So, he yelled "CHRIS!" across the aisle.  Chris looked over and waved, while we immediately told Sammy he needed to use his inside voice. 

Sammy waited a few minutes, dropped his king crab leg, and Mike gave him another one, which he continued to play with.  Then he whispered in a HUGE stage whisper "Chris!"  It was so hysterical - I've never heard him do that before, but it was funny.  You have to hand it to Sammy - he was using his inside voice!

To end our meal on another laugh, Sammy was playing with the crab crackers.  He was using them on his toys, using them to pick up pieces of bread, using them to mess with pretty much everything.  He even asked if we could take them home with us.  When I said no, he asked the inevitable why.  To which I responded, "Because Jorge (our waiter who happened to be standing right there) really needs them and he'll get upset if you take them home."  Jorge graciously replied, "That's right, buddy - I need those." 

Sammy's eyes got big, and when Jorge the waiter turned to go back to the kitchen, Sammy said "Hey, you forgot to take these!"  Jorge turned back without a beat and said, "That's ok, you can play with them for a few more minutes." 

What a funny night - on the one hand, going out to dinner with two children can be a bit . . . stressful . . . to say the least.  But on the other hand, I wouldn't trade getting to laugh about this stuff for the world!


1 comment:

  1. We really enjoyed seeing you guys too! And yes, Sammy was by far the highlight of our dinner. Chris was chuckling the whole way home about him. Such a cute fam! Love ya XOXO


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