Monday, February 1, 2010

I don't live out of it, it just looks like it . . .

Mike is taking my truck to work today because he has to pick up furniture for his office on the way to work.  I asked him to get Sophia's jacket out of the truck so I could have it, since it feels like 30 below outside.  He jauntily waltzed out the front door to take care of that for me, big man that he is, and came back in with an arm full of stuff, announcing "Lindsey, what the heck - it looks like you've been living out of the truck."

OK, so maybe it does.  Here's what he found in it, in no particular order . . .
  • a red Chicco umbrella stroller
  • a Crayola Crayon Maker (borrowed from my friend, Leanne)
  • an open 35 oz box of Goldfish (hey - we need snacks on the go)
  • a bag full of brand new socks (to donate to cold people)
  • a loaf of moldy bread (we were going to feed the ducks one day, but there were no ducks)
  • 3 old sippy cups (didn't even want to check them - threw them in the trash)
  • a dirty diaper (OK, people, it's from Friday, and it wasn't #2)
  • 2 of Sophia's sweaters, and her winter coat
  • 1 of Sammy's sweaters
  • my blue jean jacket
  • 3 empty fast food cups (like I said, we've been eating too much fast food)
  • a dirty pair of socks (from the Y - must have fallen out of my gym bag)
  • a damp towel (hey - I remembered to bring one the other day!)
  • a plate from the Ceramics place painted like a Texas flag (made in November, picked up last week)
  • 2 plates from the Ceramics place that my sister in law, Trish, painted
  • a cosmetics bag with a tampon in it (unused, people - unused!)
  • my ankle brace
So, yes, honey - I have been living out of the truck, but what do you expect?  I have two kids age 3 and under - I have to be prepared for it all.  Although, where the diaper comes in for being prepared, I have no idea . . . maybe as ammo to protect us from bad guys??

All of these items are now sitting on my dining room table.  With the exception of those that are clearly trash.  And I'm about to load the kids up to go to the Y this morning.  I'm considering loading all of it into Michael's car . . . just so we can be prepared.  Do you think he'll mind? 


1 comment:

  1. I could have written this post! In fact I had actually thought about listing the contents of my tote bag once and decided it might gross people out...


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